Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
A comparative study of mental health in caregivers of mental retardation and autism children
Manoj Kumar P, Dasika Sree Keerthi, Asha Mounika Datla
JCDR. 2024: 896 -901
Autism and Intellectual disability have significant impact on family members. Both are associated with poor communication, academic and social skills that make the child more dependent on the caregiver than the normal we aimed at assessing mental health of caregivers of Mental Retardation and Autism children using GHQ-28. Our study showed that Mental health of these caregivers has significantly affected (p<0.05). Mental health of Caregivers of MR is more affected than that of Autism. Among the individual domains somatic symptoms, anxiety domain, social dysfunction and severe depression domain all are higher in MR care givers than AD group. Mothers of all the children showed features of Anxiety and Depression. And anxiety more than depression. Further mothers need more help than fathers. Skills training to the caregivers can help them to deal effectively with the children with such disabled children.