ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    A Research work on Extraction of Bioactive Compounds, from Pomegranate and Orange Peels

    Abhinay Tiwari1, Sakshi,Uma Shankar Sharma, Riya Mathur
    JCDR. 2024: 1805 -1824


    Pomegranate (Punica granatum) and orange (Citrus sinensis) peels, commonly regarded as waste materials in the fruit processing industry, possess a wealth of bioactive compounds with significant potential for various applications. This study aimed to investigate the efficient extraction of bioactive compounds from pomegranate and orange peels using different extraction techniques and evaluate their potential applications in industries such as pharmaceuticals, food, cosmetics, and agriculture. A comprehensive literature review was conducted to understand the composition of pomegranate and orange peels and to identify suitable extraction methods for maximizing the yield of bioactive compounds. Various extraction techniques including solvent extraction, microwave-assisted extraction, ultrasound-assisted extraction, and supercritical fluid extraction were evaluated to determine their effectiveness in extracting phenolic compounds, flavonoids, antioxidants, and other bioactive constituents.


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 15 Issue 11
