Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
Attitudes and practices towards health care ethics among health care providers of a tertiary care centre: A cross-sectional study
Misha Manoj Dalal, Mamtarani Verma, B. Divakar
JCDR. 2024: 541 -572
Background: National Medical Commission enforce high ethical standards in all aspects of medical services and lay down policies and codes to ensure observance of professional ethics in medical profession. Methods: A cross-sectional was done among resident and intern doctors of a tertiary care institute for a period of two months to obtain information on ethics and related components. Their attitude, practices and awareness towards ethics were also enquired. Analysis was done using SPSS software for quantitative variables. Proportions were derived. Chi-square test and fisher exact test was applied. Themes were generated for open ended questions “their hurdles in maintaining ethical standards” and “suggestions for improvement”.233 (68.3%) participants have high knowledge score while 320(93.8%) participants have high attitude towards ethics contributed by resident doctors as no intern doctor have high attitude towards ethics.