Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
Implementation of Telemedicine among General Population and Its Impact on Health Care Management during Pandemic Attacks
Pornthip Layanan, Chompusakdi Pulket
JCDR. 2020: 774-780
Among the elements that make up the mosaic known as e Health, telemedicine has been defined as the use of ICT to transmit medical information for diagnosis and treatment and learning objectives, undoubtedly receiving the most attention over time. Telemedicine was initially developed to bring healthcare services closer to the population living in remote places with limited health resources thereby improving accessibility, later became a method to improve the quality of healthcare by facilitating healthcare training and decision-making to health professionals in remote areas. This study aimed to evaluate the implementations of telemedicine among general populations and their impact on health care management during pandemics. The study explores the intentions of the callers with respect to covid pandemic and urges to seek some health advice but unable to come out of the home due to restrictions or lockdown at their area. Study had evidenced that most of the respondents were not having all the symptoms. Some are with fever, some with cold, but with the travel history many of them worried about health conditions in pandemic situations. Health seeking behavior was significantly more than normal conditions which shows the health literacy high when they are in pandemic conditions due to their needs, circumstances and other impacts. Overall, implementation of telemedicine among the general population and health care management during pandemic attacks has positive influence on the population at study area.