Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
Incidence and outcome of cranial nerve injury in mild to moderate head injury
Dr. Mayank Agarwal, Dr. Kalangri Murali Krishna, Dr. Gaurav Dhakre, Dr. Tarun Kumar Pate
JCDR. 2023: 1167-1171
Comparative analysis of three different fixation techniques for femoral tunnel widening following hamstring graft anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Materials and Methods: The prospective comparative study was used. All the patients operated from November 2021 to October 2022 at Department of Orthopedics, Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences, Puducherry, India, with unilateral Anterior Cruciate Ligament tears which fit into the criteria were included in the study. Results: 15 patients had interference screws, 13 had rigidfix, and 23 had endobutton on the femoral side of 51 patients. In the Endobutton group, the IKDC 2000 Subjective Knee Evaluation score improved by 37.82 points (range, 23 to 48), in the Transfix group by 40.92 points (range, 32 to 50), and in the bioscrew group by 38.5 points (range, 27 to 48). Transfix group (31.56%) has larger midlevel (C2S2) widening than interference screw (22.45%) and endobutton (20.01%). Interference screws (35.89%) had larger tunnel widening than transfix (30.26%) and endobutton (21.85%) at aperture level (C3S3). Conclusion: Endobutton reduced femoral tunnel widening more than Transfix and Interference screws. Transfix group's sagittal sections had higher tunnel widening at the aperture and midway than coronal sections due to transtibial technique's obliquity, which caused more tunnel widening. Screw entrance at aperture level caused interference group tunnel widening. However, at one year, all groups had similar clinical findings and knee laxity. These findings need more large-scale controlled investigations