Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
Knowledge attitude and practices in parents regarding jaundice residing in Nalgonda District of Telangana
Dr. R Venkata Gautham Reddy, Dr. Radha Parisa
JCDR. 2024: 1019-1026
Introduction: Neonatal jaundice prevention is important in the first week of life. Early detection and treatment are the key strategies to prevent the complications of NNJ. Understanding mothers' knowledge of NNJs can help identify gaps and target areas for intervention, preventing chronic morbidity and neonatal mortality. In low to middle-income countries, most mothers have misconceptions about the management of neonatal jaundice, which include the beneficial role of sunlight in reducing severe jaundice. Objective: The objective of this study is to know the knowledge, attitude and practice of jaundice in parents residing in Nalgonda district. Method: A cross-sectional analysis was done, to assess knowledge, attitude, practice regarding jaundice from parents residing at Nalgonda district. A pre validated list of questions were used for collecting data for assessing knowledge, attitude, practice regarding jaundice from parents. Data was collected using simple random sample taking technique.