Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
Parental Attitude Towards Pedodontic Treatment of their Children in Dental College of Ludhiana, Punjab
Dr. Prateek Singh , Dr Charanjeet Singh , Dr Arun Sharma , Dr Karuna Sharma , Dr Parkhi Bhatnagar , Dr Shashi Prabha Yadav , Dr Abhilasha Gupta
JCDR. 2020: 2389-2394
The purpose of the study is to assess the knowledge and attitude of the parents towards pedodontic treatment in dental college. And to determine the awareness of the Parents regarding their Child’s dental care.To assess their knowledge and attitude related to their child oral health status. This study will help the dental service providers or Pediatric dentist to create awareness amongs parents towards dental care of their children. Materials and Method: A cross- sectional study was conducted among parents(n=400) those attending Out Patient Department and receiving dental treatment in the deparment of Pedodontic and preventive dentistry , Desh Bhagat Dental College,Mandigobindarh,Ludhiana. The parents were asked to fill 5 item based self-administered questionnaire. Results: Results showed 83% of parents were referred by their friends and relatives, 70.5% people chose private dental college as they had confidence in academic facilities,64.5% people believed that dental college should organizes seminars to educate them and 60% people knew the importance of pediatric treatment and lastly 51% parents were satisfied with the behavior and service provided by pediatric dentist. Conclusion: The current study reports the attitude of Parents toward Pedodontic treatment in the Dental college and the potential factors that may affect their decisions like waiting time, cost of the treatment, behavior of the dentist. Strong emphasis should be given on referring system and their awareness regarding dental treatment of their child.