Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
The study of morphology of placenta with umbilical cord
Dr. K Malathi, Dr. Madhavi Ramtake, Dr. K Thomas Manoj
JCDR. 2024: 1125 -1130
Introduction: The human placenta is Chorio-allantoic and Haemochorial in nature. It is a flattened discoid mass of 500ml volume, 500gms weight, with an average diameter of 185mm, average thickness of 23mm in the centre diminishing towards periphery. It is usually circular or oval in shape 1. The umbilical cord is attached centrally or eccentrically. Three umbilical vessels (2 umbilical arteries and 1 umblical vein) are normally present in each umbilical cord, distributed in placenta through two regular patterns-disperse and magisterial types. The Hyrtl’s anastomosis is a connection between the two umbilical arteries in most human placentas.