ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    16S rRNA, FimH1 and magA genes detection in Klebsiella Pneumoniae cultivated from CSF

    Osamah Faisal Kokaz , Duaa Abd Alabass Muhammad
    JCDR. 2019: 195-206


    Bacterial Meningitis is one of the main manifestations of K. pneumoniae infection in human in presence of multiple virulence factors. Sixty-four clinical sample from CSF were collected in one of the main hospitals of AL-Diwaniyah governorate of Iraq. 20 isolates were morphologically (culture media, biochemical tests) and genetically identified on the base of 16s rRNA using PCR instrument. Virulence factors that progress the pathogenicity of K. pneumoniae were confirmed by occurrence of FimH type 1 gene coding for fimbria in 10/20 (50%) located in 507 bp and biofilm forming megA gene in 15/20 (75%) amplified at 502 bp. The importance of these factors in dissemination of infection and resist to immune defense mechanisms.



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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 10 Issue 1
