ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    A case-control Study on Relationship between Dermatoglyphics and Hypertension

    Praveen Kumar, Dr. Vimal Modi
    JCDR. 2023: 2205-2211


    Essential hypertension is the type of hypertension that has no identifiable explanation. It is connected with age and congenital acquired issues. Positive family ancestry enhances the danger. Dermatoglyphics, the information on exact plans of epidermal ridge in the recognitions and soles, is a solitary and steady indication of uniqueness, perceived in utero. Extension of those ridge is constrained by acquired and eco-accommodating impacts. As there is improved danger of hypertension in people alongside family ancestry because of acquired issues, the investigation of co-connection among dermatoglyphics and hypertension can help in starting recognizable proof of individuals alongside the acquired propensity to develop basic hypertension


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 14 Issue 4
