Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
A clinic pathological study of pleural effusion- A cross sectional study
Dr. Priyanka Sharma, Dr Govind Sharma
JCDR. 2023: 1478-1483
Pleural effusion has varied aetiological factors. It constitutes one of the major causes of morbidity in India as well in other parts of world. Because of the various aetiologies that can cause pleural effusion, it often present a diagnostic problem, even after extensive investigations. Objective: In this study, we aimed to identify the common aetiologies causing pleural effusion and their clinical profile in a tertiary care hospital. Materials and Methods: A hospital based cross-sectional study is conducted over a period of one year in Bhagwan Mahavir Hospital, Sumerpur. 40 patients of pleural effusion above 10 yrs of age were studied. Results: Among all cases (n −40) the exudative type was far more common than transudative one (90% vs. 10%).Tuberculosis was the primary aetiology in more than half of the total cases (57.5%) whereas infection was the next most prevalent cause accounting for 8 cases (20%). These two were followed by malignancy (7.5%), congestive cardiac failure (2%). One case of cirrhosis of liver and one had hypoproteinemia diagnosed. Conclusion: The present study highlights tuberculosis as the common causative factor for pleural effusion.