Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
Dr. B. Raghu Kiran, Dr. V. Sireesha, Dr. A. Venkata Krishna
JCDR. 2022: 1544-1550
Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is a form of cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE). Skin is referred to as cutaneous. Skin-related lupus variants are included in CLE. Round sores, generally on the face or head, are a symptom of discoid lupus. Chronic cutaneous lupus is another term for discoid lupus. The current study aimed to determine the clinico-epidemiological profile of patients with DLE. Methods: The present study was conducted in the Department of Dermatology, Osmania Medical College and Hospital, Hyderabad, Telangana State. Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria the patients diagnosed with DLE were selected. A detailed history and clinical examination were carried out. A biopsy was done for confirmation of all the cases and other required investigations were carried out. Results: The overall incidence was 4.31 per 10000 patients attending the dermatology clinic. The majority of the patients (60%) had disease onset between 31-50 years of age. The scalp was involved in 15(50%) of cases and DLE lesions of the face were found in n=23(76.67%) cases. On the face, the cheek was a common site of involvement in n=9(39.13%) of cases followed by the eyelid perioral region and nose in descending order. Scarring of the concha due to lesions of discoid lupus erythematosus (Shuster's sign) was found in 30% of cases. Widespread involvement of upper limbs was in 36.67% of the trunk in 40% and lower limbs in 20% of cases. UV exposure-related occupation, ingestion of drugs, trauma, and smoking in men. Conclusion: The incidence of DLE in the current study was 4.3 per 10000 cases visiting dermatology clinics. The majority of our patients' illnesses began in their third to fifth decades. In our study, females outnumbered males. Males were more likely to have the dispersed type than the localized type. LE in the parents predicts a severe illness with an early start in the offspring. The majority of patients who had palmoplantar and lower limb involvement also experienced problems including ulceration.