Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
A Cross Sectional Study on Comparision of ABG Analysis of Severe Acute Bronchial Asthma with Normal Reference Values
Dr. Sridevi SVSMN, Dr. Vundinty Sadanandam, Dr. Santosh Jagtap
JCDR. 2024: 395-401
Background: Arterial blood gas analysis (ABG) is the gold standard test which measures the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood as well as the acidity (pH) of the blood. Blood gas studies are usually done to assess respiratory disorders and other conditions that effects the lungs. In addition, the acid base component of the test provides information on renal function. This test indicates how well lungs and kidneys are interacting with each other to maintain normal pH i.e.; how effectively compensatory mechanisms are interacting to restore homeostasis. The component of respiratory system that balances pH is dissolved CO2. So the present study is undertaken to assess ABG analysis in severe acute bronchial asthma. Aim and Objectives: To compare and correlate the values of arterial blood gas analysis in severe acute bronchial asthma with that of normal reference values. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional observational study was done on 45 patients of age group 21-80 years who are admitted into a tertiary care hospital with severe acute bronchial asthma. Both male and female patients aged between 21 to 80 years presented to a tertiary care hospital were included in the study. Results: The partial pressure of oxygen was normal in 35.5% of total study population (i. e;16 patients), and was decreased in 64.44% of total study population (i.e.; 29 patients) indicating hypoxemia. The partial pressure of carbon dioxide levels showed clear cut respiratory acidosis in 34 patients (75.55%) with PaCO2 levels more than 45 mmHg and pH less than 7.35. Conclusion: This study revealed that there are disturbances in acid base status, ventilation in severe acute bronchial asthma. Therefore, it serves as good guide for physician in crucial decisions regarding treatment.