ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    A Holistic Study of the Role of Innovation in Business Growth and Development: An Analytical Perspective

    Ajay Sharma
    JCDR. 2021: 820-826


    Innovation is pivotal in driving business growth and development in today's dynamic and competitive landscape. It is the practice of introducing new concepts, ways of doing things, goods, or services that generate value and meet the ever-changing requirements of customers. By embracing innovation, businesses can gain a competitive edge, increase efficiency, and open up new opportunities for expansion. Innovative ideas foster creativity, encourage problem-solving, and enable companies to adapt to changing market demands. It enables companies to differentiate themselves from their rivals, which in turn helps them attract new consumers and keep the ones they already have. Moreover, innovation drives productivity improvements, streamlines processes, and enhances operational effectiveness. Through continuous innovation, organisations can stay ahead of the curve, identify emerging trends, and seize market opportunities, fueling sustained growth and development.


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 12 Issue 2
