ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    A hospital-based observational assessment of the ultrasound Elastography and Mr Elastography in liver fibrosis

    Ramesh Chandra Adurti, Dr. Priyanka Adurthy, Dr. Supraja Jonnalagadda
    JCDR. 2023: 311-315


    The objective of the present study was to assess ultrasound elastography and MR Elastography in liver fibrosis. Methods: The present study was conducted and 100 patients who underwent liver biopsy were enrolled. The study protocol was approved by the ethics review committee, and all patients provided written informed consent. Results: There were 70 males and 30 females in the study. 55% patients were in <2 foci per x 200 field and according to fibrosis stage, 25 were Bridging fibrosis followed by 50 Perisinusoidal or periportal. 50 patients were Steatosis grade 5%-33%. No significant differences were found in demographic or serologic profiles between patients with and without discordance. Conclusion: Ultrasound elastography techniques are relatively inexpensive, portable, and increasingly available while providing good diagnostic accuracy but may be unreliable in obese patients and those with narrow intercostal spaces. MR Elastography offers excellent diagnostic accuracy that probably slightly exceeds that of ultrasound-based techniques, but quality may be degraded in patients with marked iron deposition, and availability remains comparatively limited.


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 14 Issue 4
