Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
A prospective analytical comparative assessment of the association CRP and uric acid with severity of preeclampsia
Dr. Dubkunta Manjula, Dr. Nagarapu Usharani, Dr. Kusuma Purushottam
JCDR. 2023: 759-762
The aim of the present study was to determine the levels of C-reactive protein and uric acid levels in preeclampsia pregnant and to determine severity by the association among CRP, uric acid concentration, BMI and blood pressure. Methods: A case control study was conducted in 30 diagnosed preeclamptic pregnancy, 30 normal pregnant women of comparable gestational age in 3rd trimester admitted in the dept. of obstetrics and gynaecology. Results: Maximum number of PE cases belongs to age group of 31-35 years (60%) and maximum number of control group belongs to age group of 21-25 years (40%). It was also observed that mean age in control group is 25.5±3.6 (years), whereas in study group 29.5±4.2 (Years). In study group, maximum number of patients have severe proteinuria i. e. >+++ (55%), and in control group maximum number of patients have proteinuria of (+) (58%) which is considered as physiologically normal. But, both study and control groups mild proteinuria (++) is observed in 40% and 38% patients respectively. There was a significant difference of proteinuria between study group and control group (p=0.001). The mean values of serum uric acid and CRP levels always remain higher in study group than that of control group. The mean values of both serum uric acid and CRP levels in study group were near to their respective upper limits of normal range. There was a strong positive correlation between serum uric acid and blood pressure (systolic and diastolic) with highly significant. A positive correlation is also observed between serum uric acid and serum CRP level. Conclusion: Serum uric acid and CRP may be feasible to be used as biomarkers for identifying women at risk of preeclampsia. The aetiology of preeclampsia is not well established but having more information about the condition will help in the monitoring and treatment of the pregnant to ensure her and her baby are well.