Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
A Study of Correlation Between Blood Groups and Anaemiain Adults in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Pilkhuwa
Ritika Kansal, Kiran, Mohd.Aslam Khan, Amit Joon
JCDR. 2023: 1150-1157
Anemia is a global nutritional problem common in developing countries and affectsa thirdpopulation of world’s with serious consequences. Most common type of anemia is iron deficiency anemia and megaloblastic anemia. There are several studies reported on the association between blood groups and hemoglobin phenotypes. A study to know whetherthere is any relation between ABOblood groups andoccurrence ofanemia according tosex andin different age groups among the randomly selected population atG.SMedical college and Hospital, Pilkhuwa, Hapur(UP) India.Material and Methods:The present prospective study were conducted in the department of pathology atG.S Medical College and hospital, Pilkhuwa, Hapur, (U P) for period of2 months, after taking the approval of the protocol review committee and institutional ethics committee. A total number of342 patientsaged18 – 74years were included in this study. Blood sample wastaken under aseptic conditions. ABO and Rh factorwere determined byglass slide method using ABO kit.Hemoglobin is determinedby using hematology autoanalyzer 5 partMindrey.Results:In our study out of 342, 59 males and 283femaleswere between the ages of18-74.The most frequentblood group wasB (37.4 %)followed by O (27.3%),A (23.1%) andAB (12.2%) respectively. Anemia is most frequent in blood group B followed by O, A andleast in AB. Among the femalesfrequency of anemia is more atageof25-34(26.9%)followed by35-44 (19.5%), 18-24(16.4%) 45-54(11.4%)55-64 (8.2%) and least at age of 65-74 (3.5%), while In comparison thefrequency of anemia in malesis more at the age of 35-44 (5%) followed by 45-54(4.3%) 55-64 (3.2%)65-74(2%), 18-24(1.8%) 25-34(0.9%).Conclusion: --The study authorises that blood group B is the commonest of the ABO blood group system in the randomly selected population and the AB blood group is the least. The frequency of Rh+ve was much commoner than Rh-ve. It is also observed that individuals with blood group B are more prone to anemia followed by blood group O, A and least is with blood group AB