ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    A Study of CT evaluation of lung nodule backed by histopathology to find the efficacy of CT

    Dr. Sanket Kotnis, Dr. Chaithra T.K, Dr. Muralidhara Chennagiri Prakash, Dr. Mysore Kumarswamy Pooja
    JCDR. 2023: 449-452


    Because of the modern lifestyle, which has resulted in an ever-increasing population of smokers, as well as the pollution that exists in the majority of cities across the country, lung carcinomas are quite frequently met in radiological practise. The individual and their family have to go through a tremendous amount of social discomfort before receiving confirmation of the diagnosis. Therefore, the radiographic procedures currently used to diagnose cancers need to undergo significant development. It is important for the radiologists and the treating physicians to have some level of confidence in the diagnosis before they go ahead and confirm it. This will allow them to adequately prepare the patients and their relatives for the most likely diagnosis before the confirmatory report is issued. The PET scan and the histopathology are both included in the procedures that confirm the diagnosis. Both of these processes need a significant amount of time, and in a climate like ours, it can be challenging to locate a PET scanning centre. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate whether or not CT is effective in making a diagnosis of lung cancer


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 14 Issue 8
