ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    A Study of insulin resistance in cases of Chronic kidney disease with or without hemodialysis on comparison with normal individuals

    Dr.M Rohit Abhilash, Dr.Ch Bhanu Kumar , Dr.K Mariya Kumar, Dr. Sudha Rani Poornakanti, Dr. Sobha Devi Kolla
    JCDR. 2024: 2974-2987


    In Diabetes Mellitus & Metabolic Syndrome IR is related to innate immunity & inflammation is related to insulin sensitivity and energy metabolism. 1-2Recent advances indicate involvement of gut microbiota & Uraemia Retention Molecules (URMs) in CKD.3-5 In Uraemia , Endogenous production of specific factors are involved in insulin signaling pathways in CKD.6-7 White adipose tissue is a source of specific molecules in the causation of metabolic disturbances (IR) in CKD 8 which leads to impairment of insulin signalling through inhibitory serine phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate (IRS).IR leads to impairment of insulin signalling system in the target organs which may be due to pre-receptor or post receptor mechanism defect


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 15 Issue 1
