ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    A study of video animation online flipped classroom based SDL vs Bed-side learning in teaching Cardiology cases in Internal Medicine

    Dr. Gilbert Mendonca, Dr. Alaka KS
    JCDR. 2024: 1378-1380


    Presently, the field of medical education is going through a number of substantial developments that are currently taking place. There was a time when students were merely required to pay attention to lectures, and when the entire class would attend together. However, that time has long since past. However, during the advent of the Covid epidemic, we were compelled to engage in self-reflection regarding our actions. As a result of this, we were compelled to make use of every method that was available to us in order to instruct in an efficient manner. Educating the children remotely to ensure that they could continue their education became an exceedingly challenging task once the children had left. In spite of this, animations that were based on videos were employed with the intention of the purpose of imparting teaching. To what extent, on the other hand, did it turn out to be successful? In what way did the learner grasp or interpret the material that was presented to them? As a means of determining the answer to this inquiry, a considerable amount of effort has been placed into the process


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    Volume 15 Issue 5
