ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    A study on clinical profile of patients with acute pancreatitis

    Dr. Shrishail Hanagandi, Dr. Seema Dhang, Dr. S Bhuyan
    JCDR. 2023: 2395-2399


    Most patients experience relatively minor episodes of disease characterized by mild parenchymal edema without distant organ dysfunction and an uneventful recovery. Severe episodes, however, may involve a progression to extensive pancreatic necrosis, development of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), multiorgan failure, rapid clinical deterioration, and even death. Routine investigations like complete hemogram, Blood sugar serum creatinine Blood urea, Serum calcium and Serum amylase, Serum lipase and liver function tests were performed. USG Abdomen was done routinely to confirm the diagnosis, exclude other conditions, for evaluation of the biliary tract and for detecting any complications. In present series 100% of the patients had tenderness, 19.61% had pseudocyst presenting as mass abdomen, 13.72% had ascites, 19.61% had pleural effusion and 7.84% of the patients presented in shock. In present study S. amylase and S. lipase was done routinely. 64.71% of the patients had S. amylase levels more than three times normal i.e. >240 IU/L.S. lipase was more than 3 times (>130U/L) in 80.39% patients, both S. amylase and S. lipase together picked up 86.27% of patients. 17.65% had raise blood sugar level, 9.8% had elevated blood urea nitrogen (BUN), 17.64% had hypocalcaemia 11.76% had a WBC count of more than 15,000 cells/mm3 and 5.88% of the patients had elevated AST levels.


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 14 Issue 12
