ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    A Study on Etiological Profile of Adult New Onset Seizures at a Tertiary Hospital in Southern India

    Percy Priyanka Talari , Keerthi Priyanka Injeti , Sunitha Sigamani , Lavanya Paka
    JCDR. 2023: 682-687


    Aim: We here report a study to evaluate the etiological profile in adult patients reporting their first seizure at a tertiary hospital with the objective of identifying the variation in aetiology pertaining to socio economic status and prevalent culture of the population. Material and methods: Hundred adult patients (18years and above) presenting with new onset seizures, were recruited over a period of one year and evaluated for identification of the cause of their seizures. Results: Neuro infections (37%) were the most commonly observed cause of seizure in the present study. Males (male: female 1.22:1) were predominantly affected and generalized tonic clonic seizures (GTCS) was the predominant seizure type observed in these participants. Conclusion: Tuberculous meningitis was the most common cause due to its endemic nature in the area of study. Stroke was the most common cause in adults over 50 years while, in younger adults neuro infection was the leading cause in the present study group. Etiological profile of a population is dependent on the socio-economic status and prevalent culture of the population



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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 14 Issue 5

