ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    A study on Trans-abdominal ultrasonography in first trimester of pregnancy and its comparison with trans-vaginal ultrasonography

    Dr. Tarun Kumar Chauhan, Dr. Garima singh, Dr Parveen Kumar kaushik
    JCDR. 2024: 1039-1044


    Comparison trans-abdominal and trans-vaginal ultrasonography scanning in the study of first trimester of pregnancy, detection of gestational abnormalities and to assess the merits and demerits of trans-abdominal ultrasonography as compared to trans-vaginal technique. Materials and Methods: A prospective comparative study was conducted on a cohort of 100 female patients in their first trimester of pregnancy. The study population had both normal and abnormal pregnancy patients. The patients were selected on the basis of suspected or proven pregnancies with the duration up to 12 weeks from the last menstrual period. The patients were evaluated on the basis of past obstetrics history and clinical examination, pregnancy test and relevant investigations including ultrasonography. Thus the females with positive pregnancy test, signs and symptoms of threatened abortion or ectopic pregnancy were examined through abdominal and endo-vaginal sonography to compare the two techniques in scanning during the first trimester of the pregnancy and their capability in detection of pregnancy related abnormalities. Either the patient delivered the baby via normal delivery or had undergone surgery and /or pathologic diagnosis was done in all the cases.


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 15 Issue 2
