ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    A study to assess the aetiology and outcome of term newborn admitted in NICU with respiratory distress

    Dr. Dinika Gandhi, Dr. Jyotsna Verma
    JCDR. 2023: 852-856


    Introduction: Preventive and therapeutic measures for some of the most common causes for respiratory distress can be analyzed and when implemented can reduce the burden of disease. So, to assess the prevalence and various factors associated with respiratory distress in term neonates admitted at NICU of a tertiary care centre this study was planned. Materials and Method: The present hospital based cross sectional observational study was conducted at department of Paediatrics, L.N. medical college and research centre. All term neonates with respiratory distress admitted to neonatal intensive care unit were enrolled for the study purpose. Downe Score was used to assess the severity of respiratory distress. associated Risk factors, Morbidity and mortality pattern of term neonates with respiratory distress was studied.Statistical analysis was done using SPSS version-20. Results: In our study the incidence of RD in term admitted babies was 27.83%. 91.91% babies were discharged after treatment and death occurred in 8.08% babies. Etiology wise distribution of study subjects results revealed that 39.50% subjects admitted due to Transient Tachypnea New Born, 17.80% admitted because of Delayed Physiological Adaptation, 14.04% due to Meconium Aspiration Syndrome and 3.40% due to sepsis. Conclusion: Respiratory Distress is one of the commonest cause of admissions in NICU. Transient tachyponea of the newborn is the most common cause of respiratory distress in term babies. The most important risk factors for respiratory distress are delivery by caesarian section and maternal infection. Early respiratory support help in better outcomes for infants with respiratory distress. Although decreasing the incidence through preventive measures is ideal, early recognition and treatment of the common neonatal respiratory diseases will decrease both short- and long-term complications and related mortality of at-risk infants.



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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 14 Issue 5

