ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    Acceptability of Transvaginal Ultrasonography among Western Maharashtra women population

    Dr Saurabh Singh, Dr Vijaykumar S. Mane, Dr Pradeep R. Kulkarni
    JCDR. 2023: 1964-1970


    Ultrasonography, particularly transvaginal ultrasonography (TVU), plays a crucial role in gynecological and obstetric practice. However, the acceptance and willingness of women to undergo TVU can vary across different populations. This study aimed to investigate the willingness of women in Western Maharashtra, India, to undergo TVU and identify factors associated with their acceptance. A prospective observational study was conducted, involving 60 married adult women referred for elective obstetric and gynecological TVU. Participants completed a questionnaire regarding their experience and factors influencing acceptance. The results showed that 84% of the participants expressed their willingness to have TVU, which falls within the range reported in the literature. Factors such as education level and marital status were found to be positively associated with willingness, while experiences of dyspareunia, painful vaginal examination, and the perception of ultrasound as a painful procedure were negatively associated. The study highlights the high acceptance rate of TVU among Western Maharashtrian women and emphasizes the need for adequate counseling and health education to address concerns and ensure optimal service delivery. These findings contribute to a better understanding of TVU acceptance among the Indian population and have implications for improving patient care in gynecological and obstetric settings


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 14 Issue 5
