Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
Analysis of unbooked emergency admissions into tertiary care and its comparison to booked cases
R.Priyadarshini ,B. Jyothirmai, D.Suchetha , Dr.B.Aamani
JCDR. 2023: 453-464
To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals with regards to maternal health, there is need for research on the local causes and factors influencing adverse maternal & foetal outcomes in health institutions. Antenatal care throughout the pregnancy can ensure better feto-maternal outcome. It also contributed to reduction of maternal and infant mortality. Aim: To Study & Analyze various Emergency Admissions in obstetrics which are being referred from other centers, regarding the indication & their management including the maternal & perinatal outcome. Materials and methods: This was a Prospective Study undertaken at the Emergency Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology in one of the main referral centre as well as teaching hospital for the Post graduate & Undergraduate students. The study population was categorized into 3 groups Booked referral, Unbooked referral(including self-referral) and Booked cases of Gandhi hospital. Results: During this 6 months study conducted at the Emergency dept. of OBG, Gandhi hospital, Secunderabad, the total no. of Admissions were 2128, out of which Booked cases were 896(42.1%) & Unbooked cases were 1232. The total incidence of LBW babies is 28.71%. Among them, 62.41% were born to Unbooked mothers. Only 26.03% were booked cases & LBW was the most common cause for early neonatal deaths. Of all the 16 maternal deaths, all were Unbooked cases. The maternal mortality rate is 781.57 per 1,00,000 live births. The most common cause for Maternal mortality was Toxaemia of pregnancy. There were 232 Perinatal deaths with a Perinatal mortality rate of 109.09 per 1000 births. Among these only 13.79% were among the booked cases & the remaining were Unbooked cases. Conclusions: The incidence of Emergency LSCS, LBW babies and the maternal mortality rate was higher among the Unbooked cases which shows a direct relationship.