ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    Assessment of effect of smart phone usage on cardiovascular and hematological parameters

    Dr. Priyanka Srivastava, Dr. Pankaj Mishra, Dr. Priyanka Jain
    JCDR. 2022: 3215-3219


    Mobile phones have become a ubiquitous part of our daily lives. The present study was conducted to assess effect of smart phone usage on cardiovascular and hematological parameters. Materials & Methods: 205 subjects using smart phone since 5 years of both genders were selected. Blood pressure of the subjects were recorded in the sitting posture by mercurySphygmomanometer. Total WBC count was done by Haemocytometer method using Turk’s fluid as diluents. The duration of mobile phone usage per day were recorded. Daily duration of mobile phone use was calculated automatically by dividing the total duration of calls. Results: Out of 205 subjects, males were 105 and females were 100. There were 40 subjects with <1 hour mobile usage having 70-90 mm Hg of DBP, 50 (1-2 hours) with 70-80 mm Hg of DBP, 81-90 mm Hg was seen in 25 and 55 with <1 hours and 1-2 hours usage, 15 and 20 had 91-100 mm Hg DBP with <1 hour and 1-2 hours usage. The difference was non- significant (P> 0.05).80 subjects had <1 hour usage and 4000- 11000 TLC, 60 had 1-2 hours usage with 4000-11000 TLC, 45 and 20 had >11000 having <1 hour and 1-2 hours usage. The difference was non- significant (P> 0.05). Conclusion: A long-term duration of Mobile phone use may influence and change the autonomic balance in favor of an increased sympathetic tone. An increase in the sympathetic tone and a concomitant decrease in the parasympathetic tone are reported to be measured among the subjects who have used the mobile phones for prolonged period of time


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 13 Issue 8
