ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research


    Dr.Sheik Mohamed Raja, Dr.A.Vinoj
    JCDR. 2024: 1154-1161


    Cerebrovascular disease is the most common neurological disease of adult life. It has been reported that increased levels of uric acid are associated with established cardiovascular risk factor such as elevated serum triglyceride and cholesterol concentration, hypertension, obesity, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. The role of urate in ischemic stroke is poorly understood. Hence, our study is planned to estimate and to identify the correlation of serum uric acid level in patients with acute ischemic stroke, to find out its association with diabetes, hypertension, CAD and dyslipidemia. METHODS: A cross section study was designed after institutional ethical clearance to screen acute ischemic stroke patients admitted to the hospital within 24 hours of onset of stroke who satisfied a rigid inclusion and exclusion criteria. The serum uric acid level was measured by uricase method. The data were entered in microsoft excel spread sheet and analysed statistically. RESULTS: Hypertension constitutes the major risk factor in this stroke population. Mean uric acid in hypertensive population is 5.64mg/dl. The study does not shows any significant association between hypertension and uric acid. Diabetes mellitus constitutes 52% of study population. Mean SUA level of 5.96 mgs / dl among diabetics and 4.90 mgs / dl among non-diabetics there is a strong association between SUA and DM. Coronary artery disease constitutes 33% of study population Mean uric acid in stroke population with coronary artery disease is 6.40mg/dl and in those without coronary artery disease is 4.98mg/dl and this establishes a statistically significant relationship. CONCLUSION: Elevated SUA is strongly associated with an increased risk for the development of acute ischemic stroke in this study population. The association between elevated SUA and ischemic stroke may need to be considered especially when treating elderly patients, diabetics and the population with coronary artery disease. Uric acid has been considered as a surrogate biochemical markers of oxidative stress in acute ischemic stroke


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 15 Issue 5
