ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    Association Between Microalbuminuria and QT Interval Prolongation in Type 2 diabetes mellitus

    Dr. Shaik Sharmila, Dr. M. Muneer Kanha
    JCDR. 2023: 1661-1675


    To study the association between microalbuminuria and qt interval prolongation in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods-This cross-sectional study with sample size 60 patients attending OP and IP in ACSR govt general hospital, Nellore in a period of 18 months mainly on patients with age group 50 years – 70 years of both males and females. simple random sampling method is used, Informed consent and ethical committee approval obtained. complete clinical examination is carried out. The investigations done are Complete blood picture, Blood urea,s. Creatinine, Complete urine exam, Urine microalbumins and ECG. Results- There is a significant association between QTc prolongation and microalbuminuria. Hypertension longer duration of Type 2 DM, higher glycemic index, higher HbA1C levels, higher serum creatinine levels. Conclusion: Most patients were in their 6th and 7th decade of life and male preponderance was noted. Higher duration of diabetes, higher age groups have increased risk of cardiac autonomic neuropathy. There is a significant association between QTc interval prolongation and microalbuminuria as evidenced by, more number of microalbuminuria cases seen with prolonged QTc interval. As duration of diabetes increases prevalence of microalbuminuria increases. 20% of peripheral neuropathy cases are associated with CAN and 20% of retinopathy are associated with CAN.


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 14 Issue 7
