Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
Association of acute otitis media with breast feeding position among infants at a tertiary care hospital
Vidya M P, Ruchi Dhar, Karthik S, Channakeshvala Srikanth
JCDR. 2023: 1223-1226
Acute suppurative otitis media (ASOM) is one of the most common infections in children. ASOM is usually caused by either a bacterial or viral pathogen and often treated with antibiotics. Various studies have found that feeding infants and young children in supine body position has been connected with Otitis media but no association has been reported between infant feeding position and respiratory or general morbidity. Objective: To study the association of ASOM with breast Feeding position among infants at Tertiary Care Hospital. Methods: The study was done over a period of 18 months which included the children visiting Pediatric OPD and Otorhinolaryngology OPD with history of ear discharge. The inclusion criteria being the infant’s breastfed up to 1 year of age. The collected data was tabulated in Microsoft excel and statistical analysis was done using software SPSS 22. Results: A significant association was found between increasing age and position of breast feeding. ASOM was more common in the infants of 10-12 months (66.7%), who were fed in the supine position. Conclusion: Proper positioning of infant is important to avoid ASOM in infants. Upright posture is relatively safer than supine posture in infants.