ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    Awareness and application of various CBC parameters among clinician: A cross sectional survey at a tertiary care hospital

    Dr. Meenakshi Khajuria, Dr. Manpreet Kour, Dr. Mohit Thalquotra
    JCDR. 2022: 3134-3140


    Trends in the use of Complete Blood Count parameters for patient treatment by clinicians in various tertiary care hospitals. Material and methods: A questionnaire that participants filled out on their own as part of a cross-sectional research was used. Through the use of convenience sampling, Physicians working at a tertiary care hospital were included. The questionnaire was given out to medical professionals working in surgical, paediatric, obstetrics/gynecology, and outpatient clinics during normal business hours, and it was collected on the same day. Before the questionnaire was sent out to the participants, we made sure to get their informed permission beforehand. Results: Only three of the eleven characteristics were selected by over 75 percent of the doctors as being often or always beneficial. Hemoglobin, platelet count, and white blood cell count were the three metrics in question. The other eight parameters of the CBC were deemed less than 75% helpful by the attending doctors. The usage of mean cell volume (MCV) was found to be more prevalent among interns and house officers than it was among other types of doctors. More than 57% of general practitioners and interns regarded reticulocyte count as always beneficial or often useful in their everyday practices, whereas other doctors utilized it less than 42% of the time. Twenty-five percent of the doctors who responded to the survey recommended that the laboratory result be verified by peripheral film, and final reporting should be done by a haematologist. Conclusion: According to the findings of this research, the vast majority of medical practitioners only make use of three of the most fundamental criteria seen on a full blood count. In order to expand the doctors' understanding of the usefulness of additional indicators, it is possible to design an educational intervention for awareness regarding various blood count parameters and their utility in patient care among medical practitioners.


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    Volume 13 Issue 8
