ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    Biochemical correlates of diffuse non scarring alopecia in women

    Dr. Vandana D, Dr. Suma D. Gudi, Dr. C. Raghuveer, Dr. Lakshmipathi Y. Pattar
    JCDR. 2023: 553-559


    Alopecia is defined as “absence or loss of hair”. The word ‘alopecia’ was first coined from the Greek word for fox which refers to the constant shedding of hairs seen in the lifetime of this animal. Hair follicle loss may be due to follicular agenesis, dysgenesis, or destruction while loss of hair shafts can result from shedding, plucking, miniaturization, or breakage. A thorough general physical and systemic examination was carried out to look for any abnormalities. Scalp examination included type of hair loss, hair thinning, temporal recession and hair pull test was done in all cases. Diagnosis was made clinically based on the history and pattern of hair loss. The overall mean haemoglobin was 11.0 ± 2g/dl. Mean haemoglobin in ATE, CTE, FPHL was also 11g/dl. The overall mean S. Ferritin value is 21.7 ± 23.3 g/dl. Mean serum ferritin levels were lowest in patients with CTE (15.9± 16.0) as compared to those with TE (23.3± 26.7) and highest in FPHL (27.8± 25.6) in our study. The overall mean S. TSH value is 3.7 µIU/ml. Mean S. TSH value in ATE, CTE, FPHL is 6.0 µIU/ml, 2.2 µIU/ml, 2.5 µIU/ml respectively. In our study, 317.0 ± 162.5 pg/ml is the overall mean for serum vitamin B12. Mean value is lowest in 300.9±111 pg/ml in CTE, followed by 308.8 ± 97.1 pg/ml in ATE, and highest in FPHL being 355 ± 277 pg/ml. The overall mean for S Vitamin D3 is 17.9 ± 12.4 ng/ml. Mean value is lowest in FPHL being 15.5 ± 5.9 ng/ml, followed by 18.3 ± 13.3 ng/ml in CTE, and highest in ATE being 19 ± 14.3 ng/ml


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 14 Issue 7
