ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    Breast conservation surgery and modified radical mastectomy proportions early breast cancer: Hospital based study

    Dr.Kamalakanta Pradhan, Dr. Ranjita Mohanty, Dr. Deshish Kumar Panda, Dr. Kedar Nath Nayak
    JCDR. 2023: 167-174


    Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer among Indian women, and its prevalence is alarming. There is a major change in early breast cancer management, with a greater focus on breast conservation therapeutic interventions. This study aimed to determine the proportion of patients who underwent breast conservation surgery and why they chose breast conservation surgery over modified radical mastectomy in early breast cancer. Methods: The information of 41 patients with early breast carcinoma who visited the institute during the study period and who could choose either modified radical mastectomy or breast conservation surgery based on their wishes was entered into an MS Excel data sheet and analyzed using STATA software. Results: It was observed that as literacy levels improved, the proportion of women choosing breast conserving therapy increased. Similarly, menstrual status and tumour location have a statistically significant influence on choosing breast-conserving surgery. However, unlike previous studies, we found no statistically significant relationship between age and surgical decision. Similarly, the patient's residence and employment status have no bearing on her decision to undergo breast conservation surgery. Conclusions: We need to raise public awareness about the safety of breast conservation treatment in order to popularize it so that more organs can be preserved.


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 14 Issue 4
