ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    Clinical profile and Complications associated with Hysterectomy at a tertiary care hospital

    Dr. K Saritha, Dr. Sreelakshmi U, Dr. R Subha archana
    JCDR. 2023: 308-312


    the uterus is the identity of any woman. Hence, apart from physical complications, there can be emotional and psychological disturbances as well after the hysterectomy. The experts opine that about 70% of the hysterectomy may not be appropriate for those women. All possible options for conservative therapy should be explored before planning for surgical approach. Objective: To study the Clinical profile and Complications associated with hysterectomy Methods: A hospital based prospective study was carried out among 405 women undergoing hysterectomy. Their age, parity, co-morbidities, presenting complaints, different approaches for hysterectomy and complications were noted. The data was described as percentages. Results: Majority (67.4%) were 41-50 years. Majority (83.6%) were multipara. Anemia was most common seen in 48.5%. Most common presenting complaint was abnormal uterine bleeding in 52%. Most common indication for hysterectomy was fibroid in 42.7%. Most common procedure performed for hysterectomy was Total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH) in 29.2% followed by TAH+ unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy in 15.3%. Only 28.3% had complications during surgery and in that most common was Hemorrhage requiring blood transfusion in 26.2%. Incidence of bladder injury was 0.7%. Pain was most common immediate post-operative complication in 20.7%. All cases were followed for one year after surgery. Nine had some complications in which vault prolapse was seen in 1.4% of cases. Conclusion: Hysterectomy is commonly performed in fourth decade of life among multipara. Correction for anemia is required before hysterectomy. Mostly they present with abnormal uterine bleeding and fibroid is the most common indication. TAH is commonly done procedure and overall, the complications are less.


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 14 Issue 2
