Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
Clinical profile of traumatic head injury patients
Dr. Darshanjit Singh Walia, Dr. Anand Singla, Dr. Sandeep Singh, Dr Rishabhpreet Kaur, Dr. Gagandeep Kaur, Dr Deepak Jindal
JCDR. 2023: 1769-1775
In India alone, nearly 1 million people get injured, nearly 200,000 people lose their lives and another 1 million require rehabilitation every year due to traumatic brain injury [3]. The public health burden it causes is huge, as most of these patients belong to the young and productive age group of the population. The aim of present study was to evaluate the clinical profile of the head injury patients reported in emergency department in tertiary care hospital. Material and method: This was a prospective observational study include 70 patients reported at the Department of General Surgery, Rajindra Hospital, Patiala. A structured Performa was used to enter the detailed history, mode, and mechanism of trauma, vitals were recorded at presentation. Patients were managed according to ATLS protocol. Patients were followed up for 30 days post-admission. Observation and results: Patients between the 3rd and the 4th decade of their lives predominated in our study population. The mean age was 36.3 years, and there was a male predominance (81.4%).RSA (n=56, 80%) was found to be the most common mode of TBI, followed by assault (n=9, 12.9%) and fall (n=5, 7.1%). This is probably due to rapid motorization and industrialization. As per our study, n=20 (28.6%) was intoxicated at the time of presentation. Substance abuse can lead to an increased chance of RSA, assault, or falling from a height Conclusion: Since vehicular accident accounts for almost the majority of head injuries, there is an immediate need to enforce strict traffic discipline and to educate society to follow the laid down traffic rules.