ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    Comparative study between intravenous Fentanyl and Tramadol for their efficiency in preventing cough during emergence in elective craniotomies

    Dr. Sameer Sudhakar Vyavahare, Dr. Nisheed Joseph, Dr. Gayathri Subhash Banasode
    JCDR. 2023: 1944-1948


    The incidence of coughing during emergence is variously reported to be 76-80%. Various techniques used to decrease cough during emergence include deep extubation, administration of Dexmedetomidine, intravenous or topical Lignocaine, intra-endotracheal tube-cuff administration of Lignocaine, use of laryngeal mask airway etc. All patients who were potential candidates for enrolment into the study were informed about its purpose & procedure. A written, informed consent was taken. All patients were investigated as per need and hospital protocols. The use of total intra-operative Fentanyl or Propofol was comparable in all three groups. The mean intra-operative Fentanyl used were as follows: in group L 162.83 mcg, group T+L 174.00, group F+L 167.50mcg. The ‘p’ value obtained by using ANOVA test was 0.768 which was not significant. Mean intra-operative propofol used in group L 148.33 mg, group T+L 168 mg, group F+L 132 mg. The ‘p’ value obtained by using ANOVA test was 0.449 which was again not significant.


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 14 Issue 9
