Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
Comparative Study Between Radiological Findings AndIntra-Operative Findings In Patients With Unsafe CSOM – A Prospective Cross Sectional Study
Dr Deepti JaykrushnaPuranik, Dr Devendra Vikas Kulkarni, Dr Prajakta Nandkumar Patil, Dr Ajinkya Shelke
JCDR. 2023: 2002-2009
Unsafe chronic suppurative otitis media (atticoantral) is one of the common conditions in otolaryngologic practice in developing countries.The disease manifests most commonly as hearing loss and otorrhea. Unsafe CSOM has long been acknowledged as one of the most common diagnoses in primary care setting worldwide.Severalinvestigations have been used in the evaluation of CSOM like X ray, HRCT, and MRI.