Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
Comparison of the time, ease, attempts to successful endotracheal intubation using macintosh laryngoscope, kingvision and anaesthetics video laryngoscope in general anaesthesia
Dr. Neha , Dr. Shahbaz Ahmad , Dr. Santosh Kumar Sharma , Dr. Sunil Kumar Arya, Dr. Suresh Singh, Dr. Narendra Deo , Dr Abhay Raj Yadav , Dr. Anshuman Anand , Dr Bhavana Jalubula, Dr. Ajay Kumar Maurya
JCDR. 2023: 1065-1072
Endotracheal intubation is the first step to maintain the patency of airway during general anaesthesia. Problem with the airway management constitutes 17% of anaesthesia closed claim, most common being difficult intubation which is almost 5%. The aim of this study is to compare the time, ease, numbers of attempts taken, switching between the laryngoscopes if facing any difficulty during endotracheal intubation while using Macintosh laryngoscope, KingVision laryngoscope, Anaesthetics video laryngoscope. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In this Prospective observational study Ninety patients, scheduled for elective surgery after getting approval from ethical committee and informed written consent from all patients, the prospective observational study was conducted on adult patients of either sex satisfying inclusion criteria. In our study patients were randomized into 3 groups (30 patients in each group), patient who got intubated with Macintosh laryngoscope (Group M), patient who got intubated with KingVision video laryngoscope (Group K), patient who got intubated with Anaesthetics video laryngoscope (Group A). All the three groups were compared for time, ease and attempts to successful endotracheal intubation while using Macintosh laryngoscope, KingVision laryngoscope, Anaesthetics video laryngoscope. RESULTS: The mean time taken has been found to be significantly lesser in Group A as compared to Group M and Group K. The intubation difficulty score was found statistical insignificant in all the three groups (p value: 0.956). The comparison between Mallampati score and Cormack- Lehane grading was significant in Group A (p value <0.001) and Group K (p value< 0.033).