ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    Correlation of the clinical parameters with severity of delirium in patients with alcohol related disorder

    Dr. Sadananjali, Dr. Anantha Kalyan, Dr. Furkhan Ali
    JCDR. 2023: 1907-1910


    Among the more intense withdrawal conditions that can be seen in conjunction with autonomic hyperactivity, the most dramatic is delirium tremens (DT). While there is some disagreement about the optimal definition of this condition, most studies agree that in addition to evidence of severe autonomic dysfunction patients must show some level of confusion or disorientation, often accompanied by illusions, hallucinations and agitation. Consecutive sampling was done to select the study subjects. All patients who attended or referred to the department of psychiatry with alcohol related disorders as per ICD-10 were included in the study. Mean score of SADQ-C which is an indicator of severity of alcohol dependence in DT group was 31.45 (sd=6.31) and in Non-DT group 27.88 (sd=5.31). Mean of total CIWA-Ar Score Day 1 of admission which indicated the severity of withdrawal symptoms was 34.30 (sd =6.31) in DT group and 19.41 (sd =4.07) in non DT group. Mean days of recovery from withdrawal state was 4.36 days (sd=0.83) in DT group and 2.45 days (sd=0.56) in non DT group.


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 14 Issue 10
