ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    Demographic and angiographic profile in premature cases of acute coronary syndrome

    Sandeep Sharma, Nutan Kumar D M, Shekhar Kunal, Deepak Maheshwari, Himanshu Mahla
    JCDR. 2023: 874-880


    Characteristics and clinical course of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) have been studied extensively in older patients, however, this disease has rarely been analyzed in younger patients, because the incidence of ACS is much lower in younger individuals. There have been very limited data on the comparison of demographic and angiographic characteristics in young patients stratified according to the type of acute coronary syndrome. Therefore, the current study aims to find the determinants of premature acute coronary syndrome. Methods: The current study was done in the Department of Cardiology, at SMS hospital, in Jaipur district of Rajasthan from February 2020 to December 2021. It is a Hospital based single centered, cross sectional observational study conducted on a sample of 230 participants estimated by scientific method. The age criteria for males was less than 45 years and for females it was less than 55 years. Results: In our study young population living in urban areas is at risk of early-age ACS as compared to rural populations and this is statistically significant. Central obesity was present in significant number and is more prevalent in very young individuals (93% vs 72%). Chest pain was the most common symptom (91.4%) followed by diaphoresis (65.7%) seen in the patients followed by dyspnoea and palpitation and associated symptoms with chest pain are more prevalent in >30 years population group. The most common vessel found to be affected was the LAD which was alone or in combination with any other vessel affected in 116 (50.44%) followed by LCx obstruction in 53 (23.45%). Conclusion: Our study suggests that the major modifiable risk factor for MI in very young patients appears to be central obesity due to urbanization and sedentary lifestyle habits. Hence focused efforts should be made to modify these risk factors in the population through education and behavioural modification.


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 14 Issue 8
