ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    Determinants of Dyslipidemia Among Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional School-based Study

    Dr Ajay A Kukreja, Dr Resham A Kukreja
    JCDR. 2023: 2550-2558


    Dyslipidemia, characterized by abnormal lipid levels, is an emerging health concern among adolescents. This cross-sectional school-based study aims to identify the determinants of dyslipidemia in this population, shedding light on potential risk factors and contributing factors. Methods: Participants: A diverse sample of adolescents (aged 12-18 years) from various schools was recruited for this study. Data Collection: Detailed questionnaires, anthropometric measurements, and fasting blood samples were collected from the participants. Analysis: Statistical analyses, including logistic regression and correlation assessments, were performed to identify associations between dyslipidemia and various potential determinants. Results: The study identified several key determinants of dyslipidemia among adolescents: High intake of saturated fats and low consumption of fruits and vegetables were associated with increased dyslipidemia risk. Sedentary behavior and insufficient physical activity were correlated with dyslipidemia. Overweight and obesity were strong predictors of dyslipidemia. Adolescents with a family history of dyslipidemia or cardiovascular diseases were at an elevated risk. Lower socioeconomic status was associated with a higher prevalence of dyslipidemia. Gender disparities in lipid profiles were observed, with males exhibiting a higher risk. Excessive screen time was linked to dyslipidemia, potentially due to its association with sedentary behavior and poor dietary choices. Conclusion: This cross-sectional school-based study provides valuable insights into the determinants of dyslipidemia among adolescents. The findings highlight the importance of interventions targeting dietary habits, physical activity, and BMI control to mitigate the risk of dyslipidemia in this vulnerable population. Moreover, understanding the role of family history, socioeconomic status, and gender can help in developing tailored prevention strategies. Public health efforts should focus on promoting healthy lifestyles and early screening to address the rising burden of dyslipidemia among adolescents


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 14 Issue 8
