Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
Determinants of Hematological parameters in low birth weight babies
Dr. Suchit Reddy, Dr. Patil Purnima Jaiprakash
JCDR. 2023: 1303-1306
LBW is a complex term that comprises preterm neonates (born before 37 weeks of gestation), small for gestational age (SGA) neonates at term and the overlapping between these two situations – preterm, small for gestational age neonates, who characteristically have the poorest outcomes. There was daily visit to the Baby care clinic and postnatal care (PNC) ward. Neonates were examine in postnatal care ward & Baby care clinic and the parents were explain about the purpose of study. Those parents who satisfy inclusion criteria and ready for the study after counseling, their neonates were enrolled in the study and after taking informed consent from parents. Among males mean values of hemoglobin (13.9±1.8 gm/dl) was non- significantly lower comparing to females (13.2±1.8 gm/dl) (p>0.05). While mean values of total leucocyte count was non-significantly higher among males (8431.5±2566 per ml) comparing to females (7921.7±2497.5 per ml) (p>0.05).