ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    Diagnostic aids in conservative dentistry: A systematic review

    Dr. Amandeep Kaur, Dr. Anuj Kishor Shukla, Dr. Lalima Kumari, Dr. Kamal Nayan
    JCDR. 2023: 2181-2191


    The commonly used clinical methods are inadequate for reliable diagnosis of caries lesions until demineralization is established. By the time a reliable diagnosis can be made, the damage is often irreversible, and restorative methods may be necessary to prevent further progress of the lesions. Early detection of the caries lesion would enable the dentist, by using effective prophylactic measures, to provide remineralization and conservation of the tooth substance rather than restoration of the dentition. Attempts to improve traditional methods or to develop new methods of detecting caries lesions have been numerous. This review article describes the traditional and the advanced diagnostic aids used in diagnosis of caries which may be helpful for a better treatment plan



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    Volume 14 Issue 2

