ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    Effect of Yogic Breathing techniques on Cardio autonomic function in patient with Right Bundle Branch Block- A case report

    Yogapriya Chidambaram, Venugopal.V2, Deenadayalan Boopalan, Akila Anandhan, Poornima Ravi, Maheshkumar Kuppusamy
    JCDR. 2023: 389-395


    Pranayama is an important component of Yoga beneficial in improving physical and mental health. Scientific studies had explored the physiological effects of various pranayamas. However, there is no documented evidence on the beneficial effects of yogic breathing practices on cardio-autonomic variable in Right Bundle Branch Block (RBBB). This case report, aimed to show immediate effect of various yogic breathing techniques on cardio-autonomic variable on patient with RBBB Case details: A 55 years old male diagnosed with RBBB approached the outpatient department with complaints of increased sweating, palpitation, and restlessness. His electrocardiogram (ECG) report showed RBBB and he also presented with other complaints such as left atrial enlargement, mild diastolic dysfunction and 61% ejection fraction by echocardiography. Yogic breathing practice of Nadi shodana pranayama (NSP) with retention, without retention and Bhramari pranayama were given as intervention. Each pranayama was given on separate days for a duration of five minutes sitting in a comfortable position. Heart Rate Variability (HRV) was recorded before and immediately after the individual pranayama practice. Results: HRV findings showed that both Bhramari and Nadi shodana pranayama had an impact on the cardio autonomic function and increased parasympathetic domination in the patient with RBBB. Bhramari pranayama produced more changes in HRV when compared to other two breathing techniques. Conclusion: We document the beneficial effect of yogic breathing techniques in improving parasympathetic dominance in a patient with RBBB, mild diastolic dysfunction and hypertension, through the autonomic nervous system.


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 14 Issue 3
