Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
Effectiveness of physiotherapy on functional status in patients with chronic low back pain
Dr. Vaibhav Choubey, Dr. Urvashi, Dr. Ashish Mishra, Dr. Shilpi Kapoor
JCDR. 2022: 1141-1144
Chronic low back pain (cLBP) represents one of the major causes of disability worldwide. Physiotherapy exercises play an important role in Chronic LBP treatment as well as prevention. Aim: The present study aims to examine the effect of physiotherapy on LBP. Маterials and Methods: 50 patients with chronic low back pain age ranged from 18-60 years and both genders joined the study. All the eligible subjects received physiotherapy treatment and monitored effect of physiotherapy on range of trunk and spine motion in term of trunk flexion, trunk extension. Right Side Bending, Left Side Bending, SLR Right and SLR Left. Results: The mean age ± SD of the subjects was 48.6 ± 9.17 years with female dominance (52%) Significant improvement of range of motion (Extension, bending and SLR) was observed after physiotherapy treatment as compared to the before physiotherapy treatment. Conclusion: Our results strongly recommend physiotherapy as an effective treatment method for chronic low back pain because it reduces pain and improve range of trunk motion.