ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    Evaluation of Neurotoxicity, Nephorotoxicity and Maternal outcome in eclampsia and preeclampsia patients receiving MgSO4

    Sneha Yadav, Vidya Jadhav, Kandru Madhuri, Chaitanya Gadhavi
    JCDR. 2023: 674-677


    Developing countries suffer from Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia which are common health problems. MgSO4 is the standard drug for the control and prevention of convulsions in eclampsia. Our study carried out at Bharati Vidyapeeth deemed to be university medical college and hospital, Sangli is based on the Pritchard regimen. This Observational study included 34 eclampsia and pre-eclampsia patients receiving MgSO4 therapy. The loading dose of MgSO4 was 4gm given slowly intravenously over 5-10 min followed by 10gm given intramuscularly (5g in each buttock). Subsequently, 5gm is given intramuscularly into alternate buttocks every 4 hr. Patients were monitored hourly by observing their respiratory rate, knee jerk and urine output. Materials & Methods: An integrative review of the literature was conducted to document the known incidences of severe adverse reactions to magnesium sulphate, and specific outcomes of interest related to its use. The study included the recording of the incidence of any adverse side effect resulting from magnesium sulfate use. Results: A total of 34 pre-eclampsia and eclampsia patients were examined for side effects magnesium sulfate. Out of 34 patients only one patient had oliguria which was cured by delaying the subsequent dose. There was no maternal death that was attributed to the use of magnesium sulfate among the 34 women. Conclusion: This integrative review of magnesium sulfate indicates a low incidence of the most severe side effects documented in the study, which should mitigate safety and toxicity concerns. In general, adverse effects of concern to providers are rare, and when they do occur, delaying the next administration was sufficient to mitigate them. Several measures should be adopted as global guidelines and practices, including early diagnosis and appropriate treatment with proven drugs followed by reasonable vigilance for women under treatment


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 14 Issue 3
