ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    Factors Affecting the Recruitment and Selection Strategies on Employee Performance: An Empirical Investigation

    Digambar Dhyani
    JCDR. 2021: 857-865


    The methods used for recruitment and selection have a significant impact on how well workers perform in general within a business. Several factors can significantly impact the effectiveness of these strategies and, in turn, influence employee performance. Firstly, the job market and competition for talent greatly influence recruitment and selection strategies. In a competitive market, organizations may face challenges in attracting and hiring top-notch candidates, leading to potential compromises in the selection process. Employee performance is directly impacted by the calibre of candidates chosen since those with the necessary abilities, information, and attitude are more likely to succeed in their positions. Secondly, the organisation's employer brand and reputation play a vital role in attracting potential candidates. A positive employer brand helps in attracting a pool of high-quality applicants, increasing the chances of selecting top performers. The organization's reputation for fair and unbiased selection processes also affects employee performance by ensuring that individuals feel valued and motivated within the workplace. Moreover, the effectiveness of recruitment and selection strategies is influenced by the alignment between job requirements and the skills and competencies of the selected candidates. If there is a mismatch, employees may struggle to meet job expectations, resulting in subpar performance. Lastly, the recruitment and selection process itself, including the use of screening tools, interviews, and assessments, can impact employee performance. Thorough and well-designed selection processes help identify individuals who are the best fit for the organization and the specific role, leading to higher levels of performance


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    Volume 12 Issue 2
