Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
Gall bladder Carcinoma: A Review of Common Ultrasound Findings in a Tertiary Health Care
Dr. Himansu Shekhar Mishra, Dr. Subrat Kumar Pradhan, Dr. Satyajit Behera, Dr. Abinasha Mohapatra
JCDR. 2024: 690-694
Gall bladder carcinoma (GBC) is a debilitating and one of the commonest malignancies especially twice more common among women in the GBC belt of north india. Due to its late inconspicuous presentation and advanced stage at initial diagnosis it has one of the poorest prognoses among the malignancies and has a mean survival of 6 months. An early diagnosis is rare and ultrasound diagnosis is difficult and at times unreliable due to subjective discrepancies