Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
Gynaecological problems of adolescent girls attending outpatient department at tertiary care centre with evaluation of cases of heavy menstrual bleeding requiring hospitalization
Dr Rahul Deb Mandal, Dr. Mendragurti Mounica Teja, Dr. Sumanta Kumar Mondal, Dr Kajal Kumar Patra, Dr Papiya Khawas, Dr. Shrabani Mandal
JCDR. 2023: 1127-1135
: Adolescence is a transient and dynamic period between childhood and adulthood, characterised by several changes in the body and the child’s mind. The World Health Organization defines adolescents as young people aged 10-19 years, but changes may begin before and continue after this age group. Adolescents constitute over 21.4% of population in India. Adolescence is a period of enormous physical and psychological change for young girls. Hormonal events play a key role in this transition. One of the major physiological changes that take place in adolescent girls is the onset of menarche, which is often associated with problems of irregular menstruation, excessive bleeding and dysmenorrhea. Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the different gynaecological problems in adolescent girls attending outpatient department. To evaluate the prevalence of severe anaemia requiring indoor admission in adolescent girls with heavy menstrual bleeding