Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
Impact of maternal heart disease: Maternal and fetal outcome in tertiary care hospital
Dr. K Saritha, Dr. Bushra Shereen, Dr. Ritika Malviya
JCDR. 2023: 1577-1581
Cardiovascular abnormalities are considered to be the most important non obstetric cause of morbidity. Cardiac disease is an important cause of maternal mortality both in antepartum and postpartum period. The overall incidence of heart disease in pregnancy is <1%. METHODS: The present study was Prospective and Observational study, conducted at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Mallareddy Narayana Hospital, Suraram, Hyderabad, Telangana from 2018-2022. All women with cardiac disease diagnosed during antenatal visits, or diagnosed previously, or emergency admissions in the labor room, or referred with cardiac diseases, or who developed cardiac complications during peripartum period beyond 32 weeks period of gestation were included in the present study. Maternal outcome in terms of mode of delivery and fetal outcome in terms of preterm, intra uterine growth restriction was evaluated. RESULTS: In the current study, majority of the patients were less than 25 years of age group 25 (64.1%) and most of them were primigravidae 17 (43.58 %). Co-morbid conditions identified in 19(48.71%) women among them anemia followed by pregnancy induced hypertension was most common. Valvular heart disease with Rheumatic involvement was the most common presentation. The pregnancy outcome in terms of fetus preterm deliveries in 15 cases (38.46%), intrauterine growth restriction in 6 cases (15.38%) noted. In this study there was no maternal mortality. CONCLUSION: This current study conclude that the rheumatic heart disease is still a predominant heart disease in pregnancy. Prognosis is good with surgically corrected cases, NYHA class I and II. In this study, maternal complications occurred during labor and puerperium. Early diagnosis, preconceptional counselling, early initiation of treatment by cardiologist, maternal and fetal monitoring by skilled obstetrician with strict constant supervision can expect better outcome.